National Volunteers’ Week (June 1-7) has been running now for an amazing 34 years and it’s a time for voluntary organisations to say thank you for the fantastic contributions volunteers make across the Borders.
BeFriend, Berwickshire Housing Association’s, Big Lottery funded project, is now part of a small forum for befriending organisations in Berwickshire which includes Health in Mind’s Rediscover Borders project, the British Red Cross, Legion Scotland, Interest Link, and the Royal Voluntary Service. The purpose of the forum is to share information and forge links based on a common area of work.
As part of the Volunteers’ Week celebrations, the forum will be attending a community lunch run by A Heart for Duns, on Wednesday, June 6, from 12 noon to 1pm in the Volunteer Hall, Duns. After lunch the forum will provide a variety of games including boccia and New Age Kurling.
There will also be a chance to speak to some of the befriending organisations and find out more about their work.
BeFriend will also be celebrating two recent achievements during Volunteers Week.
In the space of just a few months, the project has achieved both the Volunteer Friendly Award, through Volunteer Centre Borders, and the Approved Provider Standard, through the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation.
BeFriend’s co-ordinator, Terri Bearhope, said: “We’re delighted to have been given these two prestigious awards. Our staff and volunteers have worked very hard to reach the standards required.”
Contact BeFriend by calling 01361 884000 or emailing info@berwickshirehousing.org.uk. You can also use Twitter @BHA_BeFriend or Facebook BHABeFriend.