a bench sitting in the middle of a lake


Get Prepared

  1. Make sure you have adequate insurance which covers flooding.
  2. Know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water mains supply.
  3. Prepare a flood kit of essential items such as a torch and first aid kit.
  4. Consider how to protect your home: if you are able, buy sandbags and other flood protection products.
  5. Report to your local authority any concerns you have about the nearby river/stream that may cause flooding.

Take Action

  1. Use the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) floodline 0845 988 1188 for latest information or visit www.sepa.org.uk or tune in to your local radio station.

  2. Call emergency services if you are concerned about your safety or the safety of others, and act immediately on advise provided.
  3. Store portable valuable & important items upstairs or in a high place.
  4. Move pets, vehicles and other valuables to safety, when it is safe to do so.
  5. Alert your neighbours particularly the elderly and vulnerable.
  6. Put sandbags and other flood protection measures in place but do not block any safety vents.
  7. Makeshift sandbags can be made from bin bags, carrier bags or pillow cases filled with soil.
  8. Put the plug in sinks and baths (including overflow) and a sandbag in the toilet bowl to prevent sewage from flowing back up.
  9. Turn off the gas, electricity and water. Unplug electrical items and move upstairs, if possible.
  10. Be aware of hazards below flood water; eg displaced manhole covers.
  11. Get up-to-date travel information from Traffic Scotland 0800 028 1414 or visit www.trafficscotland.org

After flood waters have receded

  1. Check with Scottish Water before turning water supplies back on. Call 0845 601 8855 or visit www.scottishwater.co.uk

  2. Contact the Scottish Flood Forum for further advice and help on dealing with the effects of the floods. Call 01738 448 411 or visit www.scottishfloodforum.org

  3. Wear protective clothing (rubber gloves/ wellies) when cleaning up. Watch out for nails and broken glass.
  4. Open doors and windows to ventilate the house.
  5. Contact your gas and electricity companies and have your supplies checked before turning them on.
  6. Make a record of flood damage, take photographs and videos. Call your insurance company as soon as possible.

Useful Numbers

  1. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Floodline
    0845 988 1188

  2. Scottish Borders Council (temporary accommodation)
    01835 824000

  3. Traffic Scotland
    0800 028 1414

Emergency Flood Kit Grab Bag

Suggested content

  • Water carrier/ bottled water
  • Light sticks/ torch & batteries
  • Wind-up radio
  • Toilet roll
  • Whistle & first aid kit
  • Money/ bank card
  • Rubber gloves
  • Camera
  • Analog telephone