Would you like to make a difference in your community? Join the new Community Engagement Panel for Berwickshire!
We will be holding the very first panel meeting between 5-7pm on Wednesday 24th November 2021 at the BHA Offices, 55 Newtown Street, Duns.
It will be an exciting meeting to explore the opportunity of setting up a regular Community Engagement Panel for Berwickshire, which we hope will help us understand how we can help you make a positive change in your local community.
It is hoped that the Panel will become a permanent group, meeting on a bi-monthly basis and you don’t have to be a BHA customer to get involved – you just need to live in Berwickshire and be interested in empowering your community to be more active.
If you would like to attend this meeting or are interested in finding out a little more please contact Kerry, our Customer and Community Engagement Officer before Monday 22nd November 2021.
You can give Kerry a call on 01361 884000, send an email to info@berwickshirehousing.org.uk or if you would prefer you can send us a message via Facebook.