Your money
Everyone at the befriend project have all gone out of their way to make me feel part of life again.
Joe is not only my befriender, he is my friend.
I volunteer at the group befriending, it’s been great to see total strangers who have over the months formed friendships and they seem to have clearly got a lot out of this and that in turn makes any volunteering I have done worthwhile.
Keep up the good work, I love volunteering for the project, it’s very rewarding.
My volunteer, Nicky, changed my life.
The service works brilliantly for me. It’s helped me come out of my shell and get to other activities
I would have no social interaction if it wasn’t for BeFriend.
Our volunteer, Mary, is very knowledgeable and has a good understanding of how to interact with my mother. She has introduced games and activities that my mother was previously reluctant to do.