Work commences on Phase 2 of Springfield development in Duns

Published on 5th July 2021

Work has now started on Phase 2 of Berwickshire Housing Association’s Springfield development in Duns which will provide another 28 new energy efficient homes.

BHA purchased the site from Springfield Properties, one of Scotland’s leading private and affordable housebuilders. The site purchase was funded by a Scottish Government grant and was supported by Scottish Borders Council (SBC).

The Scottish Government has also given grant funding towards the construction of the new homes with BHA funding the balance and the work is being carried out by Springfield Properties. The development will contribute to SBC’s targets for much needed affordable housing for families in the Scottish Borders.

Phase 1, which consisted of 29 affordable homes, was completed last year. This latest phase will include a mix of two-bedroomed flats and two and three bedroomed houses and is expected to be completed by Spring 2022.

BHA are delighted to be working with Springfield Properties for the second time. They are well known for delivering high quality housing for registered social landlords and local authorities throughout Scotland and are committed to using locally based Borders contractors whenever possible to help the local economy.

The new homes are of a modern and spacious design and will have high standards of insulation making them very energy efficient. They are all built to the Silver Standard for energy efficiency and have the latest in heat pumps for hot water and space heating. This will also make a significant contribution towards helping tackle the issue of fuel poverty by keeping running costs low for tenants. Houses with driveways also have a facility for electric car charging points to futureproof them for changing transport needs.

Angela Taylor, BHA’s Property Director said: “We are once again working with Springfield Properties on this development and we are delighted to be bringing these high quality new homes to Duns, with the support of our partners the Scottish Government and Scottish Borders Council to increase the numbers of much needed affordable housing in the area.

All of these homes will be built to high energy efficiency standards, with air source heat pumps for hot water and central heating, which will make them cost effective for the families living in them.”

Springfield Partnerships Managing Director, Tom Leggeat, added: “We’re looking forward to working with Berwickshire Housing Association to deliver an additional 28 affordable homes in the area. The homes are highly energy efficient which is better for the environment and helps keep running costs low for residents.

“Built in the scenic village of Duns, the second phase of the development will bring much needed affordable housing to the area and continue to support jobs for local trades and suppliers.”


  1. Good afternoon,
    My wife and I are interested in this new development in Duns.

    We are currently registered with These Homes and have a Medical “BRONZE PRIORITY PASS”

    We are a retired couple would we qualify for any of the properties in this development and how would go about applying.

    When do you envisage the first houses to be advertised.

    Trusting to hear from you in due course.

    Kind regards,
    Andrew Rettie.

    1. Thank you for your comment Mr Rettie, one of our Housing Officers will be in touch with you directly.

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