Last week our staff took part in a session looking at Customer Engagement led by Lesley Baird and Leza Lafferty from Tpas Scotland.
The TPAS Healthy Engagement programme is an interactive programme where they are working with us to effectively check what engagement activities are currently on offer, identify areas where there are gaps or barriers and develop an action plan to help us improve customer participation.
The next stage of this process is for our customers to come together and discuss their priorities, aspirations, practicalities, challenges and resources to improving participation.
Our customer session will be held on Wednesday 13th October between 6-7.30pm at our offices in Duns – We would love you to come along and get involved.
If you would like to come along and join in this session, in person or virtually via zoom, please contact Kerry to book your place. You can either give her a call on 01361 884000, send an email to info@berwickshirehousing.org.uk or if you prefer you can send us a message on Facebook by clicking here.
Get involved today to make a difference for tomorrow.