For Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) value for money is about spending wisely and making the best use of its resources.
BHA’s procurement strategy allows them to make savings whenever possible through its competitive tendering process and these savings can in turn benefit the local community.
It is good practice for any contracts over a certain value to include a community benefit clause. These clauses can result in a range of economic, social or environmental benefits to the local area. Last year Duns Junior Football Club was one of the first local organisations to ‘score’ in this way as they had their changing facilities upgraded with new paintwork internally and externally.
BHA is inviting any local community groups who need assistance with their projects to get in touch. Youth groups such as Scouts or Guides, sports groups, clubs, societies and voluntary organisations throughout the Berwickshire area can let them know of their needs and suggestions.
BHA’s Chief Executive, Helen Forsyth explained: “It is good practice for any contracts over a certain value to include a community benefit clause. Community benefit clauses are requirements which deliver wider benefits in addition to the main purpose of a contract. These clauses can provide a range of economic, social or environmental benefits to the local area, which is great news for community groups. We’re opening our Community Benefit Fund up again in 2019 to invite applications from local groups, so please get in touch and let us know your ideas.”
Applicants will be asked to complete a short application explaining their project and what assistance is required. This will be assessed by a small BHA panel who will decide on which groups have been successful.
Suggestions can be submitted by:
- Calling BHA Community Initiatives Manager Dougie Paterson on 01361 884000
- Emailing info@berwickshirehousing.org.uk
- Posting on the BHA Facebook page, www.facebook.com/BHAThrivingCommunities