Need Help Getting Into Work?

Published on 10th March 2022

Need help getting into work? BEAM is here to guide you on the journey towards a new job.

What is BEAM?

The Borders Employment Advice and Mentoring (BEAM) project is a collaboration between social enterprise, The Wise Group, and the four housing associations which make up the Borders Housing Network – Berwickshire, Eildon, Scottish Borders and Waverley – to help out-of-work tenants or members of their household identify and overcome barriers to employment.

Barriers can come in different forms, including a shortage of work experience, no CV, lack of confidence, addiction issues, mental health problems or a wide range of other issues holding you back from searching for and landing a job.

BEAM mentors will work with you to address these and signpost you towards specialist help, where needed. They can also give you access to digital search tools, enrol you on training courses and assist in gaining certification or qualifications.

Their Employer Engagement team will contact employers on your behalf about suitable vacancies.

All you need to provide is a desire and willingness to take the next step in your search for a job.

Get started today!

If you’re currently unemployed and a tenant or household member of one of Borders Housing Network’s associations then contact your housing officer to become part of Team Beam or email:

Need Help Getting into Work – The Wise Group

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