Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) have given financial support to the Swinton-based Horse Time charity to help fund its current programme of Covid-19 response workshops.
The grant of £12,000 is part of the Scottish Government’s Supporting Communities Funding scheme allocated by BHA to community groups across Berwickshire in response to Covid-19.
Horse Time, based near Swinton, is a charity that facilitates the delivery of non-ridden equine led educational life skills and well-being programmes.
Horse Time’s founder, and Psychological Trauma Therapist, Sue Brewis explained: “Horse Time was established as a charity in 2016 and delivers programmes that help to initiate positive change in people by harnessing the psychological and emotional benefits of working in partnership with horses.
“Facilitated non-ridden experiences with horses create opportunities for personal, emotional and relational learning insights. These experiences nurture a safe environment in which people can experiment with different ways of interacting with horses, helping them to explore, discover and identify beliefs and behaviours that are successful, and those that are not. Learning to connect with horses in this way increases personal awareness and helps people to move towards thriving in their everyday lives.
“The BHA grant has part funded the current programme of Covid-19 response workshops, delivering psychoeducation, regulation tools and facilitated experiences with feedback from horses.
“These workshops are meeting the increased need for services created by the Covid-19 crisis, including the redeployment of NHS personnel away from mental health and community-based services, and the effect of lockdown, particularly on those who were already isolated or struggling.
“Support for these people is essential, especially as we may be moving into another period of restrictions.”
Dougie Paterson, BHA’s Community Initiatives Manager, said: “We are pleased to support Horse Time and help widen access to their life changing programmes for people in our communities.
“BHA is committed to improving wellbeing across Berwickshire and Scottish Communities Funding has enabled more access to a unique and innovative facility on our doorstep. We are excited to know that some people’s lives might be transformed by taking part in these programmes, especially when Covid-19 still casts its shadow across our communities.”