Berwickshire Housing Association’s Pet Champion Nikki Robertson is organising a special ‘All About Dogs’ day to be held in the Volunteer Hall, Duns, on Saturday, February 29, between 10am and 1pm
The event provides a great opportunity for both tenants and members of the public to go along with their dogs and seek advice and assistance from dog experts. Transport can be provided for all BHA tenants who wish to take their four-legged friends.
Not only that, Borders Pet Rescue will be holding a Dog Show starting at 11am with classes for ‘Waggiest tail’, ‘Best sit’, ‘Looks most like owner’, ‘Best trick’ and ‘Judge would like to take home’.
Volunteers from Therapet will be present to explain the service they provide. Specially selected dogs visit patients and residents in hospitals, hospices, care and nursing homes, schools etc to provide Pet Therapy.
Berwick Animal Rescue Kennels (BARK) have agreed to hold a tombola, Direct Pets will have a stall, Tillmouth Dog Training Club will be in attendance and Galedin will to have a vet there. Scottish Borders Council are also providing free microchipping.
There will be a free goodie bag for all dogs who attend.
Entry to the event is FREE (donations welcome) and BHA’s Teapot on Tour will be supporting the event by providing free tea and coffee. Any donations collected on the day will be split between BARK and Borders Pet Rescue.
It’s guaranteed to be a pawsome day!
For further information please contact BHA’s Pet Champion Nikki Robertson on 01361 884000.