Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) has recently delivered three worthwhile and interesting workshops to the S6 pupils of Eyemouth High School as a part of their transition programme into the world of ‘life after school’.
These workshops helped pupils to understand the responsibilities involved with being a tenant, the importance and necessity of budgeting as well as the practicalities of living independently.
The school identified the gap in pupils’ skill set when they left school to either enter the world of work or further education. As a way of helping to better prepare pupils for leaving school, Eyemouth High devised a programme that addresses these missing skills and the knowledge base that pupils don’t necessarily get from curricular subjects.
With the help of local partners as well as outside agencies, the pupils are now gaining the skills and knowledge they need to be successful when they leave.
Eyemouth High School’s Laura Feeney, the organiser of the programme, commented on the importance and need of these sessions. She said: “After speaking to a variety of our former pupils, there was a resounding need for more life skills to be covered in school.
“We knew that it was our job to try to prepare them for life after school and this is why the transition programme was devised. We are extremely grateful to BHA for coming into school and helping to educate our pupils on the ins and outs of tenancy as well as finances.”
BHA’s Community Initiatives Manager Dougie Paterson added: “BHA was delighted to work with Eyemouth High School to help deliver such a worthwhile and relevant programme.
“We are committed to supporting programmes that help equip young people with the knowledge and skills they need for independent living wherever that may be. Some of these young people may become BHA tenants and will play an important part in our local communities in the future.”
Eyemouth High Head Teacher, Robin Chapman, explained: “our programme of support for our senior students is really making a difference and expanding their horizons. Our thanks go to BHA for providing this valuable perspective.”